Ryan Durham
Senior Engineer @
Owner @
Stage Right Labs
ryan at stagerightlabs dot com
Scoped Slots + Renderless Components =
Game Changer
Slots allow parent components to inject
content into child components.
Child Heading
Hello World!
What if you want to inject into multiple locations?
You can have as many named slots as you want,
in addition to the default slot.
Parent Heading
Hello World!
What if you want to refer to child component data?
"Scoped" slots have access to child component data.
// App.vue - Parent
<template #header="{ user }">
{{ user.name }}
Hello World!
// App.vue
<template #header="{ user }">
{{ user.name }}
<template #default="{ prop }">
{{ prop.example }}
The slot API we are looking at is from Vue 2.6+. If you are using an earlier version of Vue things will work exactly the same, but the API is slightly different.
// MyComponent.vue
Hello {{ name }}
generates virtual nodes that will be inserted into Vue's virtual DOM.
// @returns {VNode}
'div', // String or function that returns a tag name
// {String | Array}
// Children VNodes, built using `createElement()`,
// or using strings to get 'text VNodes'. Optional.
'Some text comes first.',
createElement('h1', 'A headline'),
createElement(MyComponent, {
props: {
someProp: 'foobar'
is sometimes called
Use the Template Explorer to see how render functions are generated by Vue behind the scenes:
What happens when we combine render
functions and scoped slots?
// MyComponent.vue
This is now a "renderless" component.
// App.vue
<template #default="{ user }">
{{ user.name }}
"Renderless" components allow us to inject functionality that does not rely on specific UI/UX.
Shift + Click Range Selection
https://codesandbox.io/s/xoy96vw0oMore about slots:
by Adam Wathan
ryan at stagerightlabs dot com