Back to the Future
Alena and the whole crew
Ryan Durham
Senior Engineer @
Firebrand Technologies
Owner @
Stage Right Labs
ryan at stagerightlabs dot com
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">
A non-linear way of navigating information; the reader can link to wherever they want to go.
The term was coined by Ted Nelson in 1965
Hypertexts: new forms of writing, appearing on computer screens, that will branch or perform at the reader’s command. A hypertext is a non-sequential piece of writing; only the computer display makes it practical.
Older than the web itself
The most popular example of hypermedia
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Drives Interactivity
Allows users to udpate the state of resources on the server
It could support more interactivity and richer experiences but it does not
The desire for richer web experiences has popularized the JavaScript Single Page Application
This seems like a small change,
but there are big implications
Seattle, WA January, 2025
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Portland, OR February, 2025
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San Francisco, CA March, 2025
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Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
The client needs no knowledge of application state;
it just needs to render HTML
Sending HTML over the wire unlocks a completely different way to think about building web applications
It could support more interactivity and richer experiences but it does not
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">
What if we could take advantage of
the full possibilities of HTML?
A small javascript library that aims to augment HTML just enough to enable richer UI experiences without letting go of the benefits of hypermedia.
We don't need to respond with full page content;
we cand send
Many server side templating tools support fragments.
You can use any server side language that can interpret headers and render HTML; even JavaScript!
An effort to update the HTML spec:
Hypermedia is a great choice for many websites, but doesn't make sense for every application
Even in those applications there may still be a place for Hypermedia
Hypermedia Systems: The revolutionary ideas that empowered the Web