Single Table Inheritance

Ryan Durham
Stage Right Labs

ryan at stagerightlabs dot com


What is Single Table Inheritance?

Single Table Inheritance

"Represents an inheritance hierarchy of classes as a
single table that has columns for all the fields
of the various classes."

- Martin Fowler, Patterns of
Enterprise Application Architecture

In Practice:

  • Using one database table to store multiple object types.
  • With Data Mapper: Not much of a mental leap.
  • With Active Record: A very radical and unusual idea.

What benefits can Single Table Inheritance provide?

Let's look at an example.

Example Scenario

Imagine we are tracking medical records.

  • Customers create orders
  • Record retrieval request is sent
  • Nurses review records and create summaries
  • Reports are released to the client
  • Client credit card is billed

The status of the record request dictates the type of actions that can be taken against it.

<?php foreach($records as $record) ?>
<td><?php echo $record->referenceNum; ?></td>
<?php if ($record->status == 'new') ?>
  <a href="...">Cancel</a>
  <a href="...">Assign to Nurse</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($record->status == 'acquired') ?>
  <a href="...">Prepare Summary</a>
  <a href="...">View PDFs</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($record->status == 'summarized') ?>
  <a href="...">Review Summary</a>
  <a href="...">Approve</a>
  <a href="...">Reject</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($record->status == 'approved') ?>
  <a href="...">View</a>
  <a href="...">Process Payment</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

This works, but the view code is very cluttered, and we are not even accounting for user access control.

Is there a better way?

Single Table Inheritance is an excellent alternative.

By implementing STI we can ask our entity objects to define their own allowable actions.

For instance:

public function getActions($userLevel)
return $this->actions[$userLevel];

protected $actions = [
'client' => [
  'name'    => 'edit',
  'action'  => 'ClientReportController@edit',
  'class'   => 'default'
  'name'    => 'delete',
  'action'  => 'ClientReportController@delete',
  'class'   => 'danger'
// Additional User level entries ...

Updated Example

<?php foreach($records as $record) ?>
<?php echo $record->referenceNum; ?>
<?php echo $record->getActions('client'); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>


Discriminator Column: The table column used to determine the entity type.

Inheritance Map: A way to associate discrimination values with php classes.

Using STI with Eloquent

Eloquent Model with STI

// app/Epiphyte/Record.php
class Record extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {

// Eloquent Configuration
protected $guarded = ['id'];
protected $fillable = ['name', 'description', 'status'];

// Single Table Inheritance Configuration
use SingleTableInheritanceTrait;
protected $table = 'records';
protected $morphClass = 'Epiphyte\Record';
protected $discriminatorColumn = 'status';
protected $inheritanceMap = [
  'new' => 'Epiphyte\Entities\Records\RecordNew',
  'requested' => 'Epiphyte\Entities\Records\RecordRequested',
  'retrieved' => 'Epiphyte\Entities\Records\RecordRetrieved',
  'complete' => 'Epiphyte\Entities\Records\RecordComplete'

// ...

Child Entity Class

// app/Epiphyte/Entities/Records/RecordNew.php
class RecordNew extends Epiphyte\Record {

* Limit the query scope if we define a query against
* the base table using this class.
public function newQuery($excludeDeleted = true)
  return parent::newQuery($excludeDeleted)
  ->where('status', '=', 'new');

// Remaining child entity methods go here...


STI in Eloquent - Data Mapping

// Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function mapData(array $attributes)
// Determine the entity type
$entityType = isset($attributes[$this->discriminatorColumn]) ?
$attributes[$this->discriminatorColumn] : null;

// Throw an exception if this entity type
// is not in the inheritance map
if (!array_key_exists($entityType, $this->inheritanceMap)) {
  throw new ModelNotFoundException();

// Get the appropriate class name from
// the inheritance map
$class = $this->inheritanceMap[$entityType];

// Return a new instance of the specified class
return new $class;

STI in Eloquent - Query Builder

// Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function newFromBuilder($attributes = array())
// Create a new instance of the Entity Type Class
$m = $this->mapData((array)$attributes)
              ->newInstance(array(), true);

// Hydrate the new instance with the table data
$m->setRawAttributes((array)$attributes, true);

// Return the assembled object
return $m;

What have we gained?

  • Eloquent will now automatically resolve entity types based on the discrimination value.
  • Collections will now contain a mix of entity types, dictated by the discrimination value.
  • Facade convenience, if you are in to that sort of thing: RecordNew::all();

Using STI with Doctrine

The Data Mapper pattern lends itself more easily to Single Table Inheritance

Doctrine Example

* @Entity
* @InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
* @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
* @DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee"})
class Person
// ...

* @Entity
class Employee extends Person
// ...

Some important considerations

STI is ideal for situations where the child entities all make use of the same table column structure.


Inheriting Ford, Toyota and Mercedes types from an automobiles table.


Inheriting Car, Motorcyle and Airplane types from a vehicles table.

Adding table columns that will only be used by specific child entities is a warning sign.

STI may not be a good choice in that case.


Additional Resources

Thank you!

ryan at stagerightlabs dot com


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